Hope Platform

Hope Platform

The Hope Platform is media content for and about adults developed by PFI Students (Hope Scholars), young people these adults have personally mentored and who are now training them how to use various contemporary tools and media platforms. Hope Platform is the byproduct of a learning and training process defined as Conversations of Hope.

Hope Scholars

Hope Scholars are media talented PFI Students who use their knowledge in social media, and the development of personal brand portfolios, to share with and train their mentors in the areas of social media and how to use various contemporary media tools and platforms (the Hope Platform). Hope Scholars receive financial remuneration for their work in the forms of future professional career exposure and educational opportunities, stipends, scholarships and trust funds.

Funds under the Hope Scholar’s Program are for activities/events that positively impact PFI Young People’s academic, social, career and community engagement aspirations, consciousness and commitments.

Hope Scholars Media Training

  1. Answer the PFI Profile Questionnaire. Establish your PFI Profile*. Prepare for a powerful future by establishing your future PFI Aspirational Outcomes
  2. Create a PFI Platform Portfolio. Complete the PFI Registration Form and become a PFI Member. Create your personalized product store and media content page (Each PFI Portfolio will have a QR Code and a Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Work Around
  3. Develop creative ways to use your PFI Portfolio (store and media page) to support your future PFI Aspirational Outcomes
  4. Use your PFI Portfolio for creative Merchandising and Marketing Opportunities
  5. Use your PFI Portfolio for creative Podcasting and Media Content Development
  6. Mint a PFI NFT for optimal branding of your PFI Portfolio and future Digital Space Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
  7. Monetize your PFI Portfolio by supporting PFI Social Media Management Projects and Ventures
  8. Use your PFI Social Media revenue in creative ways that support your future PFI Aspirational Outcomes
  9. Use your PFI Portfolio and your PFI Social Media for storytelling that will generate revenue, merchandising and marketing opportunities with potential PFI Corporate and Industry Partners
  10. Be a PFI Spokesperson for PFI Platform Corporate and Industry Partners
  11. Invest in yourself. Treat your PFI Portfolios as your own Brand/Marketing Franchise Property (MFP)
  12. Achieve your PFI Aspirational Outcomes. Share your PFI Story with your friends, family and Tribe. Share your PFI Story with others and help Move the World.

Hope Scholar Qualifications:

Hope Scholars are expected to follow all policies, procedures, rules, and expectations for behavior as outlined in the Dickinson ISD (DISD) Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbooks. Hope Scholars are expected to:

  • Attend school every day or meet an attendance requirement of 95%;
  • Arrive to school and be in your first period class prior to the tardy bell;
  • Arrive to and be in your class for periods 1-7 before the tardy bell rings;
  • Come to school each day prepared to do your very best work;
  • Abide by the DISD Student Code of Conduct and the DISD Student Handbook; and
  • Provide a doctor’s note when you are out due to an illness.

Hope Scholars embrace and agree to the following PFI Mentoring Goals/Expectations:

  1. They will achieve and maintain high academic standards (no less than B in any subject)
  2. They will have low to zero school disciplinary incidents
  3. They will have zero interactions with law enforcement and the justice system
  4. They will attend all scheduled PFI Powerful Peer Group (PPG) Mentoring Meetings and Activities (unless otherwise excused)
  5. They will participate in all PPG Community Service Projects (unless otherwise excused); and will lead at least one project prior to completing their tenure in the PFI Program.

Hope Scholars Application

By completing the form below, you are indicating that you understand the expectations as outlined in this Hope Scholars Agreement. You also understand that your electronic signature gives PFI the relationship with DISD to pull academic, attendance, and behavior records as needed. PFI will work hand-in-hand with DISD to guide and assist Hope Scholars and their parents as needed.

*The Powerful Futures Initiative (PFI) retains the rights, in whole and in part, to all content (audio, video, images, music, etc.) featuring PFI Artists, Entertainers, Musicians, Sports Figures and Youth.