Real Time II

We met Damon, the central of this blog, last time. For a complete look at his story, see Real Time I. Central to Damon’s In these Rooms is this statement, “… I don’t have a record. I’m not homeless. I don’t sleep under the bridge but I now understand I am an alcoholic. Alcohol has destroyed my life. It cost me everything that was important to me: my family, my children, everything but my job. I’d trade the job tomorrow to have my life and family back. I wasted years out there. I’m working this program and thanks to this program I’m not wasting time anymore…”

“…I have a running confrontation with time. Sometimes I love it and sometimes I am indifferent towards it but I am constantly reminded of time’s presence in my life. I need time and life is pretty good to me when I appreciate it. Time and I have our moments. We sometimes drive each other crazy. Pun intended…”

the Professor

“…It’s said time is money. I lived with this mindset for the longest. This was the prevailing way in which I saw the world. I was wrong. Today, time is a motivator for me. Time occurs to me as my opportunity to make the greatest difference I can make in life and make my living be of maximum benefit and value to others. Today, time motivates me to do and give my best. When I think of time, I am reminded of the saying, ‘…Enjoy your life. It’s later than you think…’”

Sean Anderson

“…Time is my greatest opportunity to do and be that which is heroic in life by turning the liabilities of the past into assets for present and the future. Real Time is a space and a portal to work this magic. Real Time is a magical moment with the power to be whatever we want to make it. The only limitation I have found on the power in Real Time for me to work my heroic magic is my imagination…”  


Again Promise 11, “…we will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us…” The reason we are no longer baffled by situations in Real Time is because we have developed empowering tools for dealing with shit happening that’s seemingly beyond our control in the fucking moment. We don’t any longer have to process shit occurring to us in Real Time as  bad people trying to become good or sick people trying to get well. We have Real Time badass becoming more fully human and beautiful tools and options that make of Real Time the moment our best self-leaps forward and empowers us to make better and the best decisions we’re capable of making. Some may call this intuition, Damon. The result is shit doesn’t have to any longer baffle us in Real Time.

What are these tools? In Real Time moments when shit is going down, we have 12 Empowering Values we can cycle thru and see how to be and become our better self and live our best life. Call this shit intuition, Damon. Call it a miracle. Call it the program working. The fact of the matter is this shit can and does go down in Real Time. In the Real Time moments when life is throwing shit at us, yes, we have 12 Steps to tick through to make the best possible decisions. We also have experience, strength and hope to call on in Real Time. Working the 12 Steps in general in is one thing. But cycling thru them in Real Time to do the next right thing, that’s the shit. 

I like movies. I really like movies. I realized recently I like movies so much because there is a character in me that wants to be like the characters on the screen. Like the character on the screen, I realized the shit life is throwing at me is my opportunity to be and become heroic. 

I realized the program, Damon, the 12 Steps in Real Time, are our opportunity to be box office too. The program, the 12 Steps in Real Time, is our opportunity to see and experience in Real Time moments that overcome the shit life throws at us. This is about mind over matter. You don’t have to mind and that shit don’t have to matter. Working this program in Real Time, with our 12 Steps, we’re able to be proactive about the present and the future Damon and time is no longer wasted being reactive. 

No working this program in Real Time ain’t a guarantee of shit. There are times when I still want to reject the parts of me the world can’t, don’t and won’t want. There are times when intuition escapes me in Real Time and I am baffled by shit, working this program notwithstanding. I still fucking make wrong and bad decisions. But here’s the deal on that shit Damon. In Real Time, all this shit remains the opportunity for me to be the hero of this story I call a life. The real deal about the shit in life that’s fucking beyond my control is mind over matter. I don’t mind and that shit don’t have to matter. Bring that shit on. This is life in Real Time. 

Read more about the Professor, Sean Anderson and Hunter and tell your story. Listen to Hunter’s Podcast. All on In Wrecked America, #RealTimeMatters 

The Struggle Continues….